Links à la Mode: June 23rd, 2011

this week, on a whim i submitted my post of portraits that i did recently to LALM. i didn't think that it would be chosen, but i was proud of the results, and i didn't want to pass up the chance that someone would see them. by sheer luck i suppose, my post was chosen and i'm eternally grateful. i haven't seen very many purely photography posts on LALM (although perhaps i haven't been looking) and i'm grateful that something i worked hard on is getting recognition. the online fashion community is so large that it's easy to get lost in the sea of it all. i'm glad that at least for this week, i've fought my way to the top of the pack. i'm in great company this week. so please read, browse and comment on all these wonderful posts. (or as many as you  find time for!)

The Beauty of Bloggers
Edited by: Fajr of Stylish Thought

Once  a month, I pour through the links that the amazing members of IFB  submit. Typically, I sit late Wednesday night after a long day and read  through the thoughtful, helpful, stylish and beautiful posts that you  guys submit. It is in these moments that I am truly in awe of how  talented and gracious this community is. Full of spirited bloggers that  discuss everything from the latest neon trend to the body pressures of  fashion blogging. We are a diverse and dynamic group, connected through  our mutual love of style and tireless support and encouragement of one  another. This  week’s links are a testament to the beauty of blogging. Through  eloquent prose, enigmatic portraits and style lessons from a mother to  her daughter, IFB is rich with love and of course great style.

Links à la Mode: June 16th

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